Caramel Pudding | Caramel Custard | Quesillo

Caramel Custard

Cooking Time:1hr+Cooling time-2hrs                     Serves:8-10

  1. Milk (1 litre)
  2. Eggs (3)
  3. Sugar (1/2cup for making caramel + 1/2cup for custard)
  4. Bread slices (small-8/large-5)
  5. Vanilla essence (1tbsp)
  6. Salt (1/4th tsp)


For the caramel:

  1. In a non stick pan add half cup sugar and 3tbsp of water.
  2. Swirl the pan and let the sugar dissolve. 
  3. Keep cooking until the sugar melts and turns into a golden brown color. 
  4. Once it is golden brown pour quickly in the bowl in which you are planning to cook the custard. 
  5. Let the caramel cool and harden.
For the custard:
  1. In a pan boil 1 litre of milk and cook it until its reduced to approx 700ml. 
  2. To the reduced milk add 1/2 cup of sugar (add sugar according to your taste) and 1/4th tsp of salt. 
  3. Cook until the sugar dissolves completely. Let the milk come to room temperature.
  4. Remove the sides of the bread and tear it into small parts. Grind the bread to a fine crumb. 
  5. In a blender add the reduced milk + bread crumbs (approx 2/3rd cup) + 1tbsp vanilla essence. 
  6. Blend until smooth and frothy. 
  7. Custard is ready. 
  8. Pour the custard over the hard caramel.
For cooking the caramel custard:
  1. Take a large pan and add 2 cups of water. Place a stand on the pan. Let the water heat up and produce steam.
  2. On the stand add the custard bowl and cover it. 
  3. Now Cover the pan and steam it on medium flame for 30mins. 
  4. Check the water level every 5-10 mins. Replenish the water as and when required.
  5. After 30 mins to check if its cooked insert a toothpick in the middle. If there is no liquid left and it comes out clean it will indicate that caramel custard is ready. 
  6. You can also cook this in a closed container inside a pressure cooker. 
  7. Cool it inside a refrigerator for atleast 2hrs before serving.

  • If you have any doubts refer to our YouTube Video for this recipe pinned at the top of the page.
  • For more such mouth watering and sumptuous recipes please visit our YouTube Channel "Let's Cook"
